What do you think about mental health services in rural and remote Australia? Take our survey and have your say.
A Senate Inquiry is currently underway into the accessibility and quality of mental health services in rural and remote Australia.
Mental health services in rural and remote areas are critical to reducing the pain burden. People with chronic pain often have depression, anxiety or other mood disorders. Mental health services and practitioners are key to the delivery of best practice multidisciplinary pain management.
Psychological techniques like mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) also enable many people with chronic pain to self-manage their condition without reliance on medications.
Your views on these services are important to us and will be used to inform Painaustralia’s submission to this Inquiry.
Painaustralia has joined with the National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA) to develop a survey to find out your view on the services and inform our submissions to the enquiry.
You can share your views by completing a brief survey online here.
Survey responses must be received by Tuesday 8 May 2018. The Senate Committee is due to report on this by 17 October 2018.