Better consumer education vital to avoid another mesh disaster
Painaustralia welcomes the Senate Committee’s recommendations for transvaginal mesh implants but says there should be greater consumer awareness and involvement in the supply and use of these and other medical devices.
“Given these products are associated with adverse outcomes including debilitating pain, we are pleased to see a recommendation for information sheets to be provided to recipients of patient cards for implantable devices and a call for better guidance on informed consent processes between a medical practitioner and a patient,” said Painaustralia CEO Carol Bennett.
“In the context of patient-centred care, there should be greater focus on providing consumers with adequate and accurate information long before the consultation room.
“Today we have many opportunities to provide the community with high quality information and offer a space for consumers to share stories and experiences with one another. This information sharing is an important part of any decision making process.”
“Potential complications are not limited to mesh implants. There are other medical devices that carry high risk and this is an area that requires focused effort,” said Ms Bennett.
“There has been a lack of engagement with medical device consumers, resulting in limited understanding about their needs and experiences, and mechanisms for support in the case of complications.
“Medical devices can also be very effective in treating health conditions, particularly for unmanageable chronic pain, however some consumers are simply not aware of their existence, as medical practitioners have traditionally been seen as the ‘consumers’ of medical devices.”
“A consumer portal for medical devices could be a very effective one-stop-shop to allow consumers to equip themselves with sufficient knowledge before consulting a doctor.
“Improved community awareness of medical devices can have benefits not just by reducing risk of harm, but also by offering more options for potential solutions to their health issues. It gives the consumer some degree of knowledge and control in decisions that have a big impact on their health and life.”