Painaustralia Campaigns
Painaustralia at Parliament House
in Canberra
September 2023 Image credit:
Last week Painaustralia gathered together with consumers, politicians, and members of the pain sector on the lawns of the Australian Parliament House in Canberra to ask for better multidisciplinary care so that all people in chronic pain can access the allied health and treatment services they need.
At our event, we asked the Federal Government to provide funding to increase the number of allied health visits to 10 per year.
We want to thank the many politicians who attended and spoke at our event, our sponsors, and most importantly the consumers who shared their stories on the day.
Painaustralia also held a showcase inside Parliament House attended by various politicians and health department officials to demonstrate how multidisciplinary care is carried out.
We want to thank all those who attended and supported us for helping make this such a successful day!
To find out more, go to