Consumer Awareness and Education Project
Painaustralia has now commenced work on the Consumer Awareness and Education Project as announced by Minister Hunt in 2019.
The purpose of this project will be to improve consumer knowledge of chronic pain and pain management by increasing the availability of evidence-based information. It will also assist health practitioners in accessing key resources.
Painaustralia’s project will improve community understanding of pain and its treatments by the development of a ‘one stop shop’ providing a gateway for best practice evidence-based pain education and information in Australia. This interactive and comprehensive national website will be complemented by an ‘app’ for easy access to the information for consumers, carers and health practitioners.
The materials and messages will be developed in partnership with consumers and health experts. The digital platform and the app will provide understanding of pain conditions, lived experience of pain, improved understanding of best practice care (including care pathways), informed practice and guidelines.
To enable successful behavioural change and to achieve impact, our community awareness and education initiatives will be accompanied by consumer information, resources and support. The Project aligns with the priorities and actions as outlined in the National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management (the Action Plan).
Painaustralia will continue to work with the chronic pain community, our members and extended networks to progress outcomes under this new project.