Our CEO Carol Bennett at the 15th National Rural Health Conference, pictured here with the Pain NT team

Lorimer Mosely, Carol Bennett and Rachel Kovacevic from Innovative REhab

Painaustralia CEO, Carol Bennett presented at AACP Forum in the Gold Coast

Debbie Rigby presenting at the Advanced Practice Pharmacist AACP forum on pain management

Dr Stephen Carter, Chair, AACP Board

Painaustralia National Patron Sir Angus Houston was guest speaker at the PMRI fundraising luncheon

Prof Paul Glare, Painaustralia Director speaking at the PMRI fundraising luncheon

Former Painaustralia Director Dr Penny Briscoe AM recognised for her excellent contribution to Pain Management in Australia at the APS conference

New President of the Australian Pain Society Dr Anne Burke

Carol Bennett presenting on the Australian National Pain Strategy at the APS Conference

Dr Owen D Williamson, Pain Medicine President, Pain Medicine Physicians of BC Society chairing a session on National Pain Strategies at the APS conference

Jenni Johnson from the NSW ACI at the APS conference