Consultation on Quality Indicator Program data publication
Painaustralia provided input to the Department of Health and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s consultation on the new Quality Indicator Program for Aged Care.
From 1 July 2019, the National Aged Care Quality Indicator Program will be mandatory for all Commonwealth funded residential aged care services. As part of this initiative, the Australian Government has committed to publish quality indicator data by the end of 2019 and also committed to consult with the aged care sector on the publication of the quality indicator data.
The department is working with the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare (AIHW) to conduct consultations with peak aged care representative organisations regarding the publication of data for the QI Program.
Painaustralia represented the perspective of the over 80 percent of aged care residents who are living with chronic pain.
TGA consultation on spinal implantable medical devices
Painaustralia provided input to the Therapeutic Good Administration on proposed new reforms for spinal implantable medical devices.
Following consideration of all the submissions received to the consultation paper ‘Proposed reclassification of spinal implantable medical devices’, the TGA has decided to undertake further targeted consultation and will hold a workshop aiming to discuss in more detail a range of medical devices that should be included within the scope of proposed new classification rule.
Spinal implants can provide significant benefits to patients with diseases or injuries of the spine and can contribute to improvements in quality of life. For example, reduction in back pain increases productivity, reduces dependence on medications, and in general facilitates more activity, leading to improvements in quality of life.
In our discussion, Painaustralia highlighted recent device failures and subsequent findings that have revealed a poorly regulated industry that has put consumers at considerable risk of harm, including those with persistent and chronic pain. In particular this has highlighted the need for more patient education and information around medical devices and the potential risks that they may pose. Painaustralia has urged the TGA to consider supporting the reforms with the development of consumer resources that help inform decision-making.
For more information read our submission here.
Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety - CHF Consumer Survey
The Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) is dedicated to representing the interests of Australian healthcare consumers and making their voices and needs heard at the national policy level. CHF are preparing a submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety and want to include the views and lived experiences of consumers front and centre in their response. Their submission will focus on health care and experiences with health care providers.
CHF have developed an online survey which relates to different sections of the Terms of Reference. They are encouraging consumers to have their say to help inform their submission.
The survey can be accessed online and will close on Sunday, 18 August 2019.
Any questions about the survey can be directed to CHF Safety and Quality Policy Officer, Leanne Kelly (