Clinical Tools
Chronic pain: opioids and beyond
Clinical e-Audit for GPs to improve management of patients with chronic pain (NPS MedicineWise)
How to de-prescribe and wean opioids in general practice
A guide for GPs who would like to help their patients gradually reduce their opioid consumption (NSW ACI)
A tool to help predict the likelihood of a patient with acute low back pain developing chronic low back pain (Neuroscience Research Australia)
A tool for GPS to assess patients and develop a pain management plan in eight easy steps. (NSW ACI)
Chronic Pain Toolkit for Clinicians
Tools and resources to help guide management of pain and prevent progression to chronic pain (NSW ACI)
Opioid Calculator
An app to simplify the calculation of total oral Morphine Equivalent Daily Dose (oMEDD) that includes an opioid dose warning system. (ANZCA)