A message from the CEO
To mark the commencement of Pain Awareness Week, the Minister for Health, the Hon Greg Hunt MP released Talking About Pain: language guidelines for chronic pain developed primarily by consumers to promote the use of more positive and less stigmatising language when talking or writing about pain and people living with pain conditions.
The Guidelines and Pain Awareness Week have generated significant media coverage and national interest, with Painaustralia covered by more than 100 media outlets around Australia, emphasising the rising levels of awareness and interest in the significant issue of pain management.
Most importantly the Week initiated another round of recruitment of consumers living with chronic pain for public and media commentary. We were overwhelmed with the immense response and our team has spent the month speaking to hundreds of consumers from across Australia. I would like to take this opportunity to thank every one of the people living with chronic pain who have shared their journey, not only with us but with the whole country. Your courage and inspiring journeys continue to influence our work and advocacy every single day.
We recently welcomed new members to our organisation, including Chronic UTI Australia who have kindly contributed a guest article to the newsletter. We also extend our congratulations to our members the Neuromodulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (NSANZ) who have been awarded a charity status by the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC).
Carol Bennett
Painaustralia CEO