In the media
Fairfax News: Cough syrup withdrawals: codeine ban uncovers hidden addictions
Fairfax News Health Reporter, Kate Aubusson, penned an article about codeine using case studies she sourced independently. However, a positive relationship with Painaustralia and contact earlier in the year saw Painaustralia and the National Action Plan referenced in the article as a way to improve opioid misuse and promote the biopsychosocial approach to pain management.
2mfm Radio: Prescription Drug Abuse
Painaustralia CEO, Carol Bennett, conducted an in-depth interview with this community radio station in Sydney about opioids and prescription drug abuse. The station has tens of thousands of online followers and a strong social media presence.
Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research (2019): Sustainable Response To Prescribed Opioid Misuse
Painaustralia CEO, Carol Bennett, was invited to write an editorial discussing the complexities of chronic pain in Australia and the use of medication as part of a treatment regime. The piece looks at prescribing behaviour, opioid misuse, the role of pharmacists and more.
Painaustralia CEO, Carol Bennett, was invited to discuss the current pain management opportunities with ABC Newcastle Drive Presenter Aaron Kearney. The wide ranging discussion also covered the prevalence of chronic pain, its impact on society, availability of pain management specialists, healthcare policy gaps and more.