Daily Update
Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates
If our finding that the new coronavirus is attacking cells through a protein associated with pain and disabling the protein can be confirmed in humans, it may provide a new pathway for drug development to treat COVID-19." @ConversationEDU https://buff.ly/2FI2D8J
Painaustralia CEO @CarolJBennett Dr Jennifer Abbey AM & Philip Daffas CEO @painchek highlight the perfect storm of #COVID19 and aged care and the urgent need to fast track technology advances in pain assessment for vulnerable populations and their families https://buff.ly/3frpMIe
The treatment needs of COVID-19 survivors are not yet fully appreciated. Although initially assumed to be a respiratory disease, it is now clear that it affects a variety of systems.’ Chronic pain after COVID-19: implications for rehabilitation https://buff.ly/3beiB5C
National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce has concluded that evidence indicates that hydroxychloroquine is potentially harmful and should not be used as a treatment for anyone with COVID19 https://covid19evidence.net.au/wp-content/uploads/MR_Taskforce_hydroxychlororoquine.pdf…
- Pain fellows are facing unique challenges and difficulties during the #COVID19 pandemic. In a letter to the editor, @harvardmed pain fellows ask that healthcare leaders consider tangible actions to address their concerns @PainMedJournal https://buff.ly/3aQF0Wm
Management of autoimmune disease during the COVID-19 pandemic @AustPrescriber https://buff.ly/3iQQJHi
COVID19 symptoms are most likely to appear in a specific order, research from @USC published in @FrontiersIn finds https://buff.ly/2Edlnf2
- Since the pandemic struck, many pain-management strategies are no longer an option. “These are some of the most disadvantaged people in society, and they have very little support at best of times,” says Painaustralia’s CEO CarolJBennett https://buff.ly/3arv99h
JobKeeper Payment extension extended for six months until 28 March 2021. Proposed changes to eligibility requirements and payment rates will apply from 28 September 2020.
Ancillary funds guidelines amended due to COVID-19 - Find out how to apply the amendments to the guidelines for public and private ancillary funds.
Further mental health support for Victorians during COVID-19.
The SPHERE (Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise) partnered with the NSW Multicultural Health Communications Service and NSW Health have developed easy to understand resources that has a local focus about chronic disease management and COVID-19.
“We now have a lot more information about hydroxychloroquine, and it doesn’t work.” https://www.sciencenews.org/article/covid-19-coronavirus-hydroxychloroquine-no-evidence-treatment
Considering the potential for an increase in #ChronicPain after the #COVID19 #pandemic" https://bit.ly/31khvAM
Pain that lingers: A subset of #COVID19 patients experience ongoing symptoms and complications such as organ damage. Researchers are now proposing reasons for some of them https://buff.ly/3fg7sBJ
New COVID-19 test for on the spot results: Australian company AnteoTech Limited developed a high sensitivity COVID-19 test which could detect SARS-CoV-2 significantly faster than current swab testing. The test aims to deliver on the spot results which could have an impact on community transmission.
New study finds a common rheumatoid arthritis and lupus management drug, hydroxychloroquine, ineffective in treating #COVID19 https://buff.ly/2ZVtg14
New research outlines impacts of #Covid19 that has stressed health care systems worldwide so that many pain services are no longer open for business. Chronic pain patient populations remain isolated with consequent social and psychological impact. https://buff.ly/32N8nqW
Graded exercise therapy may not be appropriate for treating post-viral fatigue in patients recovering from covid-19, @NICEComms has advised doctors https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m2912
Considering the potential for an increase in chronic pain after the COVID-19 pandemic. New research published in @PAINthejournal consider the possible downstream consequences of #COVID19 https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7302093/
WHO says 'evidence emerging' of coronavirus spreading through the air https://t.co/UjNmdJRvhn?amp=1
Global Patient Advocacy in the COVID Era: What Is the Future of Patient Advocacy Around the World? A panel discussion on so many issues important to patients globally, like digital capabilities, access, health equity, clinical trials, ethical principles, and stronger collaborations.
Australia College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM): A new guide for general practices explains how to make the most of the nurse role during COVID-19. It also shows how nurses attract revenue streams that will sustain practices today and into the future. It has been endorsed by ACRRM, the Australian Association of Practice Management, the RACGP, and the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association.
Creaky Joints has produced some educational and support resources- Living with Arthritis During COVID-19
An old anti-inflammatory drug, dexamethasone, which has been described as cheap, old and boring, has now emerged as a potential #COVID19 treatment https://buff.ly/3hCNxz9
Are you or someone you care for, finding it difficult to access your pain management team due to #COVID19? There are many new consulting and prescribing changes to help support your care through the pandemic, and to support your pain management. https://buff.ly/2B8goLg
Hydroxychloroquine: US revokes emergency approval of malaria drug for #COVID19. The @US_FDA says drug is unlikely to work against coronavirus and notes heart risks https://buff.ly/2UNYaFD
Coronavirus (COVID-19) recent updates
In response to this growing need for accessible and safe options to manage pain during #COVID19 @PainBC is offering free Gentle Movement @ Home live-streaming sessions that for people living with pain from the comfort of their homes https://buff.ly/2AVB4G3
The short answer is yes. You can also freely access precautionary measures to help minimise the risks, learn more at https://buff.ly/2BUVy2p
#Covid19: Lancet retracts paper that halted hydroxychloroquine trials https://buff.ly/3gSXnwH
The downstream consequences of disrupting treatments for chronic pain have yet to be modelled but are likely to be substantial." COVID-19 will have consequences for people with chronic pain, a large population with the greatest global burden of disease. https://buff.ly/36AkU0y
The Department of Health has released a 30-minute online training module covering the fundamentals of infection prevention and control for COVID-19 and is intended for health care workers in all settings. It also includes COVID-19 - What is it?, signs and symptoms, keeping safe - protecting yourself and others and mythbusting.
The healthgovau has released a COVID-19 video featuring Alison McMillan, Australia’s Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, who demonstrates how to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) for allied health professionals. https://buff.ly/2TCWgXU
The RACGP, NACCHOAustralia, ANUmedia and LowitjaInstitut have put together recommendations for healthcare workers operating in Aboriginal community controlled health services and other primary care settings during COVID-19
The RACGP is urging people to avoid new telehealth "pop up" businesses and instead consult with their usual GP. COVID-19 has seen a surge in telehealth services that rely on quick patient turnover. Continuity of care with your usual GP is more important now more than ever.
Links are emerging between COVID-19 and patients with chronic pain, and immune conditions such as IBD, MS, and psoriasis. Preliminary clinical treatment recommendations for both stable and infected patients are reviewed in this article from PracticalPain https://buff.ly/2yDHDwo
Safeworkaustralia.gov.au have provided a set of National COVID-19 safe workplace principles. https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/covid-19-information-workplaces/other-resources/national-covid-19-safe-workplace-principles
CONSUMER INFO: If you or someone you're caring for is taking blood pressure-lowering medication, here's what you need to know -https://bit.ly/bpcovid19 -https://nps.org.au/covid-19-and-medicines-faqs#i-take-blood-pressure-lowering-medication.-what-does-covid-19-mean-for-me…?
Painaustralia welcomes the creation of deputy CMO for mental health @healthgovau and the appointment of Ruth Vine to this important role. Big mandate ahead and its great to see that the mental health aspects of COVID-19 will be seriously considered https://buff.ly/2Lpwl1i
The genie is out of the bottle': telehealth points way for Australia post pandemic https://buff.ly/35Sj4HY
This pandemic highlights the importance of innovation and trying to provide services in new and more accessible ways to ensure people can still access mental health supports and services how and when they need them during these difficult times." https://buff.ly/3cZVXh9
Doing What Matters in Times of Stress: An Illustrated Guide - World Health Organisation
Dramatic falls in the uptake of health care services have fuelled concerns that patients are delaying tests and treatments for fear of COVID-19 infection or facing an overwhelmed health system MJAInsight https://buff.ly/35ybdzl
“The long term harms, including increased social and health inequality, may well dwarf the death toll of covid-19 itself.” Trust is crucial in lockdown—and beyond bmj_latest https://buff.ly/2Wi2pJB
'I just spent my entire stimulus payment on a ketamine treatment at a private hospital for chronic pain because the public hospital I get it done at cancelled all elective admissions': life gets harder for vulnerable Australians during coronavirus crisis https://buff.ly/2zpzXO2
You may have seen information on hydroxychloroquine in the media over the last few days. Our position hasn't changed. Currently, there is no evidence to support the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19. https://bit.ly/npshydrox
As we continue to navigate the coronavirus pandemic, many hospitals and health services are actually less busy than usual: Managing chronic conditions in the time of coronavirus insightSBS https://buff.ly/2VL8rTV
The TGA will permit conditional substitution of certain medications to ease serious shortages as a result of unprecedented demand due to COVID-19 https://buff.ly/3bMn6nF
5 highlights from NPSMedicineWise’s new comprehensive update for health professionals on the use hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 https://ajp.com.au/news/there-are-very-limited-data-to-support-its-use/…
Coronavirus has created a crisis for primary care doctors and their patients: How the COVID-19 is making health care access problems even worse. Important lessons for everyone as we all come to terms with the full scale of the fallout from the pandemic https://buff.ly/3eRy3Gt
As case numbers of COVID-19 continue to rise around the world, an increasing number of reports of neurological symptoms are emerging. Some studies report that over a third of patients show neurological symptoms. https://buff.ly/2KCAZZw
NPSMedicineWise has released new information for health professionals on hydroxychloroquine in the latest addition to their COVID-19 information hub. https://buff.ly/3cQPgxM
The Aged Care Royal Commission is calling for submissions from the general public and organisations relating to the impact of COVID-19 on the aged care sector. If your pain management needs in aged care have been impacted by the pandemic please contact us. https://buff.ly/2yOIQAu
Clinical Challenge: Chronic Pain and COVID-19 — Pain patients may be hit harder than others https://buff.ly/2Vv1GVa
Immunosuppressants and Coronavirus: Here is What You Should Know Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, physicians are advising patients to stay on their immunosuppressant medications. Here’s why. https://buff.ly/2VOnR8Z
Chronic Pain and Social Despair–Doctors Need to Listen. "similar to our lack of system readiness for COVID19 our complicated and costly healthcare system is not only unprepared to deal with the epidemic of stress in society, it contributes to the problem." https://buff.ly/2ziI52X
Should a doctor prescribe hydroxychloroquine for family and friends to treat COVID-19? According to an editorial published today by NPSMedicineWise the answer should be 'no', from medical, ethical and possibly even legal perspectives. https://buff.ly/3eI1KcU
Principles of ethical prescribing for self and others: hydroxychloroquine in the COVID‑19 pandemic published in the Australian Prescriber by NPS Medicinewise https://www.nps.org.au/australian-prescriber/articles/principles-of-ethical-prescribing-for-self-and-others-hydroxychloroquine-in-the-covid-19-pandemic
Dr Jill Newby, Associate Professor of Psychology at the UNSW, shares practical ways for workplaces to cope with COVID-19 related anxiety. https://blackdoginstitute.org.au/education-training/community-and-schools/covid-19-webinars
IVF and low-risk elective surgery to begin again as National Cabinet ditches coronavirus ban https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-21/coroanvirus-national-cabinet-elective-surgery-ivf-to-resume/12168770?fbclid=IwAR3o4tKWUszptLXxXxgD1mCPxfLlEHniRjfnJNI1lDef15-I3COzZYrNl00
Australia's elderly will be better supported to avoid medicine-related harm following important changes to Home Medicine Review (HMRs) and Residential Medication Management Review (RMMR) programs announced by the Government https://www.psa.org.au/remunerated-medicine-review-follow-ups-now-allowed/
- National Cabinet has released the Management and Operational Plan for COVID-19 for People with Disability which forms part of the national response developed by the Govt for COVID-19 https://buff.ly/3ckrcDg
- New research, published by International Association for the Study of Pain provides guidance for those attempting to rapidly transition to remote care with technology, and discusses the lessons for the future of the pain treatment https://buff.ly/2VygzWA
- Hydroxychloroquine: The drug that many pain patients need and why it’s so important that access continues https://buff.ly/34wtUCO
Elective surgery cancellations take toll on patients but nurse says ‘it’s not in vain’ https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/national/2020/04/15/elective-surgery-cancellations-coronavirus/?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Morning%20News%20-%2020200415
"There is an urgent need for research to address how mental health consequences for vulnerable groups can be mitigated under pandemic conditions, and on the impact of repeated media consumption and health messaging around COVID-19" The Lancet https://buff.ly/3cneDHq
“This initial assessment shows that the risks, in particular cardiovascular, associated with these treatments are very present and potentially increased in COVID-19 patients. Almost all of the declarations come from health establishments,” https://buff.ly/2y7x5oi.
Dr Nick Coatsworth and Prof Michael Kidd, Deputy Chief Medical Officers provide a COVID-19 response update for Allied Health Practitioners https://buff.ly/2JQPmsR
American Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine has joined multiple American Societies in Endorsing COVID-19 Chronic Pain Best Practice Guidelines https://buff.ly/39SZFaj
“The chronic use of high dose of opioids is associated with side effects which may increase disease severity of COVID-19. This link is purely speculative, as we were unable to find any published data looking specifically at associations” Dr Andrew Huang provides a rapid response in the BMJ to the risk factors for Opioid use and disease severity of COVID-19 https://buff.ly/3dYCAGB
Interim arrangements for prescriptions for supply of medicines: Helping you get your medicine if you are confined to your home https://buff.ly/2xUeIU2
Australian Government Department of Health - COVID-19 infection control training
This 30-minute online training module is for health care workers in all settings. It covers the fundamentals of infection prevention and control for COVID-19. -
The RACGP has welcomed moves to allow GPs to send electronic prescriptions. Under the arrangements, patients can get a prescription from their GP directly sent to their pharmacy of choice via email or phone and their medication can be delivered to their door https://www.medianet.com.au/releases/186099/
NDIS participants to receive priority home delivery from leading supermarkets Stuart Robert MP https://ministers.dss.gov.au/media-releases/5711
BMJ covers Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and COVID-19 https://buff.ly/349hK2B
It's Estimated 1 in 4 Coronavirus Carriers Could Be Asymptomatic. Here's What We Know https://www.sciencealert.com/here-s-what-we-know-so-far-about-those-who-can-pass-corona-without-symptoms?fbclid=IwAR0ToAo5VPhEVrfp7b2G6W46W_6Qe4f7ze_nN88mgIl6v24vFKrZsvJ4tbw
'I feel like a sitting duck': how the threat of coronavirus affects our most vulnerable https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/01/i-feel-like-a-sitting-duck-how-the-threat-of-coronavirus-affects-our-most-vulnerable?CMP=soc_567&fbclid=IwAR1TAfLIRjN64Kvbr6o1V3akBZ169O-dRv-0_L1nKiaL86FdH0_u8vS_-NA
- The Centre for Mental Health at Swinburne University is conducting a survey on the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of Australians. Click on the link below to participate.
https://swinuw.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bvhCPY1OweJQbdz - Sleep supports our immune function and helps us deal with stress. During this uncertain time, making sleep a priority is more than self-care – it's essential. https://theconversation.com/sleep-wont-cure-the-coronavirus-but-it-can-help-our-bodies-fight-it-134674?fbclid=IwAR3TkIBL9ECRfXKQXeLW3DFwq2fBSTJaag-dYVEmQqtrBIPBQnkPUILvQgE
- The TGA warns consumers to be cautious when seeking to purchase products claiming to be home self-tests for COVID-19, either online or through other means. COVID-19 tests are designed to be used under the direction of a health professional. https://www.tga.gov.au/…/warning-consumers-and-advertisers-…
- Can coronavirus spread through food? Can anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen make it worse? Coronavirus claims checked by experts https://buff.ly/2yarnSH